‘Star Wars: The Acolyte’ Volume 1 of Soundtrack Arrives June 21

The first volume of the original score for Star Wars: The Acolyte from is set to arrive on June 21 on music streaming plaforms, covering the inaugural four episodes of the series, which are currently available on Disney Plus. Michael Abels composed the music.


The first volume of The Acolyte soundtrack will feature an abundance of music, with 45 tracks running at 1 hour, 45 minutes, and 45 seconds. The soundtrack listing for the four episodes is as follows:


  1.  A Lone Assassin (00:02:06)
  2. The Noodle Shop Fight (00:04:13)
  3. Meet Osha (00:01:23)
  4. Meknek Spacewalk (00:01:17)
  5. Taken Into Custody (00:03:41)
  6. Classroom on Coruscant (00:01:20)
  7. The Prisoners Escape (00:03:41)
  8. Permission to Go to Carlac (00:01:59)
  9. Memories on Carlac (00:02:47)
  10. Finding Osha (00:03:54)
  11. An Acolyte (00:01:18)
  12. The Temple on Olega (00:03:40)
  13. Teacher and Student (00:02:21)
  14. Absolution (00:03:11)
  15. Apothecary Shop (00:01:29)
  16. You Want Revenge (00:02:16)
  17. Combat in the Courtyard (00:01:54)
  18. Disappear Into Dust (00:01:57)
  19. The Sisters Meet Again (00:02:39)
  20. You Found Kelnacca (00:02:21)
  21. Khofar Credits (00:01:21)
  22. Brendok (00:02:18)
  23. Mother Aniseya (00:02:15)
  24. Stay Special (00:03:32)
  25. The Ascension Ceremony (00:03:48)
  26. Standoff (00:02:54)
  27. Osha Meets Sol (00:01:03)
  28. Power and Who Is Allowed to Use It (00:04:19)
  29. Choosing to Leave (00:02:06)
  30. The Fire (00:03:54)
  31. Left Behind (00:01:29)
  32. Under the Bunta Tree (00:01:30)
  33. Kelnacca’s Den (00:02:21)
  34. Journeys End and Begin (00:02:27)
  35. Let’s Get Going (00:01:25)
  36. Fearing a Larger Plan (00:02:20)
  37. Forest Trek (00:02:33)
  38. Comprehensive Briefing (00:00:46)
  39. Bazil’s Theme (00:01:46)
  40. A Tracker (00:01:13)
  41. Umbramoth Attack (00:02:30)
  42. Sensing a Loss (00:02:14)
  43. Preparing to Face the Past (00:01:30)
  44. Dark Master Descends (00:03:00)
  45. Very Dark (00:01:54)


With the release pattern of music for Star Wars shows, it is likely that the next volume will arrive the Friday after The Acolyte has its first season finale.


New episodes of Star Wars: The Acolyte air weekly on Tuesday nights at 9pm ET, exclusively on Disney Plus. Check out our spoiler discussion of the fourth episode here, and stay tuned for SWNN Live! coming tonight, at 10pm on our YouTube channel.


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Grant has been a fan of Star Wars for as long as he can remember, having seen every movie on the big screen. When he’s not hard at work with his college studies, he keeps himself busy by reporting on all kinds of Star Wars news for SWNN and general movie news on the sister site, Movie News Net. He served as a frequent commentator on SWNN’s The Resistance Broadcast.

Grant Davis (Pomojema)

Grant has been a fan of Star Wars for as long as he can remember, having seen every movie on the big screen. When he’s not hard at work with his college studies, he keeps himself busy by reporting on all kinds of Star Wars news for SWNN and general movie news on the sister site, Movie News Net. He served as a frequent commentator on SWNN’s The Resistance Broadcast.