‘Star Wars Outlaws’ Getting Positive Early Praise in Previews With New Footage

Following the latest gameplay demo for Star Wars Outlaws at this year’s Ubisoft Forward, it seems prominent gaming and Star Wars YouTubers are being allowed to share their thoughts after getting to see an hour of the game.


The YouTubers weren’t allowed to upload their own gameplay footage — possibly because it’s still a work-in-progress — but Ubisoft did supply them with pre-recorded B-roll to use on their channels, displaying some new footage from the game that hasn’t been included in the gameplay demos or trailers so far.


The influencers were all given 15-20 minute sections of gameplay designed to give an idea of what the game is like. These were called “The Wreck”, “False Flag” and “The Relic”.


“The Wreck” tasks Kay Vess with finding a nav computer inside an ancient cruiser from The High Republic, “False Flag” has Kay fighting stormtroopers in an Imperial base before piloting her ship The Trailblazer to take on TIE Fighters, and “The Relic” sees Kay break into a Crimson Dawn base to steal a “Priceless Relic”.


The consensus seems to be that while it’s not quite a groundbreaking video game, it is a great Star Wars game comparable to Respawn Entertainment’s enormously popular Star Wars Jedi series. Each location feels lived in and lovingly crafted, which is really all you want in a Star Wars game (along with it being good, of course).


MrMattyPlays gave his in-depth thoughts as a gamer and huge Star Wars fan, going into detail about how the open world works in the game, remarking that the space travel feels much better than Starfield, last year’s big Xbox exclusive built around space travel.



Star Wars Explained said while the preview was light on story details, the gameplay reminded him a lot of the Star Wars Jedi games, with its third-person view and exploration.



Skill Up shared his thoughts, saying it was surprisingly good and felt way more polished than a stereotypical Ubisoft game.



Bombastic claims that if you ever wanted to know what it’s like to be on the run in the Star Wars galaxy, being chased down and hunted by both the Empire and some of Star Wars‘ nastiest factions imaginable, then Star Wars Outlaws gives gamers that “in spades”.



Creative Director Julian Gerighty also sat down with IGN to talk about the game in a 12-minute interview, answering questions like “why is the droid wearing a coat?” (Spoiler: they thought it looked cool).


The future is looking pretty bright for Star Wars Outlaws right now after its latest gameplay demo, making it a pretty agonizing wait for its highly anticipated release on August 30, 2024.

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Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.

Josh Atkins

Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.