Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Speaks About ‘New Jedi Order’ Film and Joining ‘Star Wars’

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy has spoken a little bit about joining the Star Wars universe as the director of the upcoming New Jedi Order film starring Daisy Ridley as Rey.


Speaking to Stars SiriusXM, she revealed that she’s spoken to JJ Abrams, George Lucas and worked closely with Dave Filoni and Kathleen Kennedy since signing up to direct New Jedi Order.



The Star Wars section of the interview is just over a minute and a half long, but if you’re unable to watch right now, here is what she said.


She starts off talking in broad details about the story she wants to tell with Rey, which builds naturally off her story in the sequel trilogy and involves starting her own Jedi academy. She’s working to create a world that the next generation of fans will fall in love with.


“Sometimes you walk in the footsteps of people and giants who’ve created worlds, and in the case of Star Wars, George Lucas’ world and the filmmakers who have walked in his footsteps have set this world that they want young viewers to walk into and have an understanding of the world, and at the heart of it, for me, is Rey Skywalker, is Daisy Ridley and her story, and taking her on an adventure to a Jedi academy and … creating a world that that is a natural dovetail to the story that we’ve seen her go through the last three episodes.

“And working with Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy and the team over there in breathing life into characters that everyone loves and has fallen in love with, and finding new characters that the next generation of moviegoers will fall in love with.


She then spoke about the people she’s working with at Lucasfilm to make the film happen, making it clear that they’re approaching everything carefully. She also revealed she spoke with JJ Abrams, which makes sense as he created Rey’s character, as well as George Lucas himself.


“I’ve had conversations with JJ Abrams, I’ve had conversations with George Lucas and then of course Dave Filoni, who’s a big part of the Star Wars universe now. We speak very often and Kathy Kennedy and Carrie Beck and Simon Emanuel, I mean I think the team is really taking time to make sure that we do justice to telling the story of [Rey] and, you know, I think that she stands for something. We’ve seen this wonderful journey that she went on in episode seven, eight and nine, and now it’s like on to the next adventure and how do we create a world and the adventure that we take her on.”


It will be a long time before we learn any other tangible details about New Jedi Order besides what was announced at Star Wars Celebration, but Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy has barely spoken about the movie since its announcement — she last spoke about it six months ago — so at least this is something.

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Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.

Josh Atkins

Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.