Review: ‘Star Wars’ #47 – Trial of Lando Calrissian Comes to a Spectacular End

The 47th issue of the current Star Wars comic run brings the trial of Lando Calrissian to a close in a deeply satisfying way. With every Star Wars fan aware that Lando isn’t going to be executed or kicked out of the Rebellion here, the story became more about the journey than the destination, and the journey is riveting.


Aside from Luke, Lando’s character arc has been the biggest by far in this current run so it was important to complete his journey by having a big and memorable moment to show every other character that Lando has fully embraced the Rebel Alliance. This issue pays off Lando’s journey in a big way, giving him a deeply emotional and stirring climax that really rams the point home and finally shows the moment he became that version of himself that we all know from Return of the Jedi.


It’s a really brilliant moment of high drama, so much so that you don’t miss the lack of action in this issue. The courtroom drama hooks you in because even after helping rescue Mon Mothma, Lando’s still up against it and it’s not clear how he’s going to get out of this one. In the end, his loyalty and selflessness wins. I would recommend this issue — and mini-arc — to every Star Wars fan interested in Lando Calrissian. It provides such a wonderful insight into the change he’s undergone, as well as a great heroic moment that puts your hairs on end.


Spoilers ahead…


Star Wars #47


I’m surprised Charles Soule kept the source of the assassin droid so vague. It seems obvious that Georgio arranged for a gonk droid to pour toxic gas into Lando’s room, and then for her droid assistant to discover it before he can be harmed. I was certain that she would be outed as the culprit behind this and Mon Mothma’s kidnapping, but it never happened. Instead, Lando asks her if she was behind it and she skirted the answer. I like that we’re kept wondering as sometimes it’s more interesting when these things aren’t spelt out so clearly, particularly when it’s so obvious.


It doesn’t seem like Georgio’s plan worked anyway, as almost being gassed to death didn’t make Lando’s critics any more sympathetic to him. General Madine seemed angrier than ever with Lando, and Ackbar was equally unforgiving.


Lobot giving testimony at Lando Calrissian's trial


I thought for a moment that Lobot’s testimony would get Lando free, as it would be a beautiful pay off if the man he sacrificed everything to save — including his reputation within the Rebel Alliance — would be the one to return the favour after all these years of build up. Lobot pointed out that he was the only thing Lando valued more than the Rebellion, and now that he’s safe, the Rebellion is top of Lando’s priorities now. Of course, that was never going to be enough to get him off but it helped to paint a picture of how Lando’s brain works.


In the end, Lando saved himself with a brilliant demonstration of his own selflessness and heroism. For him to stop feeling sorry for himself and realize that the Rebellion is lucky to have him, and that they are being incredibly hypocritical in where they draw the line, was a fantastic indication of just how his opinion of himself has changed. His speech made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, ending in typically flamboyant style.


Lando gives a speech at his trial


Georgio rides on his coattails, pointing out that the Rebellion still needs him. Not only would he continue being a valuable asset for the alliance, but executing him would cause irreparable damage to the rebel soldiers’ morale at a vulnerable point in the alliance’s existence. Pragmatically, it benefitted the Rebel Alliance to let Lando live and keep working for them.


Georgio even plants the idea that they should make him General Lando Calrissian; a wink and a nod to everyone who knows where his story’s going. Those two closing speeches are the ones that truly convinced everyone that he was loyal to the alliance. Everyone except Madine that is, whose surface-level reputation in Star Wars canon has really taken a nosedive for his insistence on executing a fan favorite Star Wars character.


Mon Mothma gives the verdict on Lando's trial


In the end, Mon Mothma announces that he is merely punished with being in debt to the alliance, a debt he has to work off until after the war. So no punishment at all really, given that the crux of Lando’s defence was that he wants to continue working as part of the Rebel Alliance. All’s well that ends well, even if we knew that ending was coming.


I had an absolute blast reading this comic. It really was all about the journey. I feel like I learned things about Lando Calrissian that I didn’t necessarily know before the beginning of this comic run, and Charles Soule truly ended his arc in style.


Rating: 9/10


Star Wars #48 Next cover

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Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.

Josh Atkins

Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.