‘The Acolyte’ Episode 6 Review: ‘Teach/Corrupt’ Winds Viewers Through a Gripping Character Deep-Dive

Once again we dive into the mysterious, noir, somewhat pulpy world of The Acolyte. That is despite the fact that we’re all still reeling after last week’s bombshell of an episode, which killed off half of our core Jedi cast and revealed the identity of the Stranger. However, even with those (very) final conclusions for some and answers revealed for certain questions, there’s still quite a bit of mystery at play.


This show continues to be chock full of symmetry. Where last week was violence, action and bloodshed, this week is all introspection, conversation, and a delicate weighing of morality and priorities. I absolutely loved it and I think it may be my favorite episode of the series so far, even if the blatant Manny Jacinto thirst traps hadn’t been included. Osha and Mae stumble onwards while the Masters of the narrative recalibrate and change tact with their respective sisters.


And on that note, let’s dive into episode 6 of The Acolyte: “Teach/Corrupt.”




Osha inspects the Stranger's cave in The Acolyte
Osha inspects the Stranger’s cave in The Acolyte


We begin with Osha waking up in the Stranger/alias Qimir’s hidden base. In a classic “captured, but only kind of” trope, the place is empty and she’s given a moment to wander around and explore her surroundings, where she quickly discovers who it is that’s rescued her from the forest floor of Khofar.


Naturally, it’s all a test, and she finds the Stranger and follows him toward a lagoon where she picks up his lightsaber. The Stranger confronts her and we begin to see the heart of the episode. As a small aside, I really love the creature design of what I’m affectionately terming “rock birds” on this unknown planet.


Mae attemps to kill Master Sol in The Acolyte
Mae attemps to kill Master Sol in The Acolyte


True to form, where Osha cautiously and curiously picks her way toward the Stranger and steals his lightsaber out of self-defense, Mae goes from wake-up to plotting to holding the knife and poised to strike in .2 seconds. Osha is constant trepidation and curiosity, Mae is boldness and narrow-minded determination. And yet, as the audience, we can’t help but wonder when the Stranger strikes an intimate and seemingly genuine rapport with Osha, if perhaps she will turn out to be the better molded sister for the role of acolyte.


Jedi ship outside Khofar in The Acolyte
Jedi ship outside Khofar in The Acolyte


As Master Sol goes to reset the transmitter on the ship, he performs a visible reset on himself and appears to reach an ultimate conclusion on his path forward. Jung-jae continues to pull out all the stops. I don’t entirely trust Sol, but his pain and confliction look and feel so genuine I can’t help but empathize with him. It’s a delicate display of emotion that I look forward to every week.



Master Sol struggles with his past failures in The Acolyte
Master Sol struggles with his failures in The Acolyte


It’s interesting to note another layer of symmetry in the opening of each of these discussions. Osha and the Stranger hold their conversation on a tranquil planet, they are bathed in light and (literally *ahem ahem*) hiding nothing. Conversely, Master Sol and Mae begin through deception and in chaos with the ship almost immediately breaking down and nearly all conversation from that point takes place in darkness. Headland wants to challenge all your preconceived notions. Be open, question everything.


Osha and the Stranger in The Acolyte
Osha and the Stranger in The Acolyte


We next cut to Vernestra who is politicking, per usual, but resolves to go and follow up with Master Sol on Khofar herself. The quick jump back to Mae on the ship shows us Basil confronting her. He can of course smell that it is Mae and not Osha. Mae is then squirted in the face with some sort of ship fluid in a very shoe-horned bit of comedic relief, but to my delight we do see the revival of Pip–although she does revert him to factory settings…


Mae revives Pip in The Acolyte
Mae revives Pip in The Acolyte


Once again on the unknown planet, the Stranger continues to pick away at Osha’s perception of the Jedi. He revealed that he was a Jedi, long ago and in some textbook Sith grooming tells Osha how powerful she is. The scene that followed is a clear homage to Kylo Ren and Rey in The Last Jedi. Listen, I’m not saying they are actually writing romance between Osha and the Stranger. I’m only saying they have chemistry!!


Osha and the Stranger discuss Osha's past in The Acolyte
Osha and the Stranger discuss Osha’s past in The Acolyte


As Mae attempts to convince Master Sol (who she believes thinks she is actually Osha) to reveal the true history of what happened on Brendok, we come to learn that Master Sol knew it was Mae and stuns her before deciding to flee Khofar. Incidentally, he does that just as Mae was about to reveal her true identity to the Jedi via ship comms. Just prior, Master Sol stated that it was finally time to tell the High Council what really happened. However, he then flees from Khofar, avoiding the rendezvous with the Jedi. Was that statement a test for Mae or did he change his mind that fast? If the latter, why bother hiding Mae’s capture from the Jedi unless he needed to ensure the High Council did not find out the truth. At least not yet. Whether there’s good intentions at the heart of this or not, the mystery of Brendok continues to feel more and more sordid.


Master Sol and Mae discuss Brendok
Master Sol and Mae discuss Brendok in The Acolyte


We then jump back to the unknown planet where Osha appears to be reluctantly considering the Stranger’s words and growing more comfortable in his space. She’s asking frank questions and receiving (I believe) honest answers. When the Stranger shows the scar on his back he reveals or heavily implies that it was inflicted by his former Jedi Master. You’ve probably noticed, or seen the already swirling rumors online, that this lightsaber scar has an odd formation…rather whip-like one might say. It may be no coincidence then that we immediately cut to Master Rwoh’s appraisal of the calamity on Khofar. She steps over the bodies of Yord, Jecki and the many other Jedi (RIP) and clinically takes stock, slowly piecing everything together. In perhaps the most telling motion of all, she then snaps out her lightwhip and cuts down one of the umbramoth.


The Stranger's scar in The Acolyte
The Stranger’s scar in The Acolyte


I don’t want to spend too long on this speculation, but I’ll note that we’ve seen the disastrous complications that can arise out of the dichotomy between a rule-following and dogmatic Master and an emotional and wayward Padawan. That Padawan ended up as a Sith too, but his Master actually cut off three of his limbs. It was all incredibly dramatic.


Master Vernestra Rwoh in The Acolyte
Master Vernestra Rwoh in The Acolyte


Finally back with Master Sol and Mae, we prepare for a long flashback in the next episode as Master Sol instructs Mae that “she is going to listen.” It seems the mystery of Brendok may be revealed at last.


Master Sol and Mae begin an honest discussion in The Acolyte
Master Sol and Mae begin an honest discussion in The Acolyte


And lastly, in the Stranger’s cave, Osha picks up the cortosis mask and tries it on. Her curiosity has led her to shut off her observation, her constant careful examination, and surrender herself to her emotions. Will she find balance in the Force or will she succumb to fear?


Stick with us as we find out more next week! And in the meantime, brush up on your cortosis knowledge–could come in handy.


The Acolyte airs on Disney Plus Tuesdays at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET.



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When she isn't watching her friends and family's eyes glaze over at the mention of The Clone Wars, she's at the park with her dog, Melvin, or on the couch with a book in one hand and a drink in the other. Physically, she lives in Ohio; spiritually, she lives in Naboo.

Sydney Sumpter

When she isn't watching her friends and family's eyes glaze over at the mention of The Clone Wars, she's at the park with her dog, Melvin, or on the couch with a book in one hand and a drink in the other. Physically, she lives in Ohio; spiritually, she lives in Naboo.